My ex has custody of our daughter and I have visitation rights. Ex skipped out of the state without informing me of her whereabouts. The custody agreement says she cannot leave without my permission and the courts. What are my options?

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Ex Skipped Child Custody

My ex has custody of our daughter and I have visitation rights. Ex skipped out of the state without informing me of her whereabouts. The custody agreement says she cannot leave without my permission and the courts. What are my options?

You can return to court, have her cited for criminal contempt of court, and take the contempt papers to the D.A.’s office to begin the arrest and extradition of your ex and child back to your state. The ex-wife goes to jail, and you get your child.

For an article regarding child abductions and child kidnappings by custodial and non-custodial parents to another country, click here.

Read more to video related video clips.

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