My ex does not deliver our teenage son at the scheduled times/days. How do I go about enforcing the schedule as worked out in the court degree?

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Child Sheduled Time Child Custody

My ex does not deliver our teenage son at the scheduled times/days. How do I go about enforcing the schedule as worked out in the court degree?

One approach is to have an attorney send a “lawyer’s letter” on your behalf to the dad explaining that dad doesn’t get to decide when you see the boy; the court does. This provides a little muscle to show you are serious and that you’ve gotten a lawyer involved. If the ex is reasonable, he/she may think twice. If dad doesn’t show up, the attorney can file a motion for contempt, asking for attorney fees and costs as a sanction.

Also, each time dad doesn’t deliver the boy, call the police and ask them to accompany you to the house to get the boy. (Take a certified copy of the visitation order.)

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