Avandia Warning: Avandia Side Effects and Risks

Avandia Side Effects Drug Toxic Chemicals

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Avandia Warning: Avandia Side Effects and Risks

Avandia, GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) top-selling diabetes drug, became the center of controversy on May 21, 2007 when an analysis of several studies appeared as a headline article in the online version of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). The new meta-analysis revealed a significant increase in the risk of heart attack and other heart problems for patients taking Avandia, raising concerns that heart attacks may be an Avandia side effect.
On the day the new analysis was released the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) released an FDA Alert announcing the results of the analysis, but also claiming that the results of long-term clinical trials conducted by GSK contradict the results in the NEJM article. The FDA did not recommend that physicians take their patients off Avandia at that time, but promised a further investigation. Seven Galson, the physician director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, announced that the FDA would analyze the information it has on the Avandia risk as soon as possible and make the results available. The FDA would also present the issue of Avandia’s potential heart attack side effect and the need for an Avandia warning or other action to an advisory committee as soon as one can be convened.
The FDA eventually required a black box warning, its most serious level of warning, for the increased risk of coronary problems in patients taking Avandia.
Suffered harm from Avandia? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.
The NEJM article raises concerns about the FDA’s approval of Avandia: These emerging findings raise an important question about the appropriateness of the current regulatory pathways for the development of drugs to treat diabetes. The FDA considers demonstration of a sustained reduction in blood glucose levels with an acceptable safety profile adequate for approval of antidiabetic agents. However, the ultimate value of antidiabetic therapy is the reduction of the complications of diabetes, not improvement in a laboratory measure of glycemic control.
Members of Congress have also expressed concern about the FDA handling of Avandia. Both houses of Congress are currently debating funding bills for the FDA that contain certain requirements for reform of the methods used by the FDA to monitor drug safety. Representatives John Dongell and Bart Stupac, both Democrats from Michigan, have vowed to investigate further whether GSK revealed the dangers of Avandia to the public. The House Oversight Committee has announced a hearing on the FDA’s handling of Avandia scheduled for June 6, 2007.
Another 2007 study raised additional concerns about Avandia side effects. The study found that Avandia increases the risks of fractures of the upper arm, hand, and foot of women taking it and two other drugs manufactured by GSK, Avandamet and Avandaryl. Since millions of people take this drug, bone deteriorization could have a major health impact.
The FDA required GSK to prepare and release a new medication guide for Avandia, which was released on February 26, 2008. The new medication guide contains warnings on bone fractures, as well as of coronary side effects.
Check out the following articles for more information about Avandia, filing a Avandia lawsuit and finding a Avandia attorney.
For more information about Avandia , see Drug Overview: Avandia Side Effects and Claims
For more information about Avandia side effects, see Avandia Side Effects – Heart Attack and Fractures
To find out more about the FDA warning, see Avandia Side Effects and Risks
For more information about Avandia updates, see Avandia Information and Warnings
If you would like to learn more about Avandia lawsuits, see Avandia Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers
To learn more about Avandia attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a Avandia Attorney and Lawyer
Suffered harm from Avandia? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.
Suffered harm from Avandia? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

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Avandia Attorney and Lawyer – How to Hire

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Avandia Attorney and Lawyer – How to Hire

If you or someone close to you has had a heart attack or suffered some other serious side effect after taking Avandia, or if someone close to you has died from a heart attack while taking Avandia, you may be entitled to recover damages. You begin this process by having your case reviewed by an experienced Avandia attorney. That attorney can tell you if you have a good chance of recovering damages for your injury. This review should be done as quickly as possible, because your state, like every other, has a limit on the time you have to file an Avandia lawsuit. Some state’s statute of limitations are as short as one year.
Your Avandia lawyer can help you with the important initial decisions for filing an Avandia lawsuit, such as deciding on the right defendants and choosing the best jurisdiction to file your case. Your expert Avandia lawyer will then be able to deal with the many complexities of Avandia litigation. Pharmaceutical litigation is difficult and is no place for the inexperienced attorney or a self-filer. This kind of litigation should be left to the experts. You will want to find the most experienced attorney you can. Whether your case settles out of court or goes to trial, you will almost certainly get the best results with a litigator who is a veteran in drug litigation.
Suffered harm from Avandia? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.
How do you find such an expert? You can try to get referrals in the usual way from friends, colleagues, family members, business associates, or an attorney you know. If no one is acquainted with a good expert, you can try searching online for specialists near you. The Internet is a great resource for this. A good place to start looking is AttorneyPages.com, where you’ll find listings for drug liability specialists in your area, or post your case to the free Case Evaluation Form. After posting your case, an experienced law firm that handles Avandia and similar cases will contact you for a free case evaluation, without any cost or obligation.
Check out the following articles for more information about Avandia, filing an Avandia lawsuit and finding an Avandia attorney.
For more information about Avandia , see Drug Overview: Avandia Side Effects and Claims
For more information about Avandia side effects, see Avandia Side Effects – Heart Attack and Fractures
To find out more about the FDA warning, see Avandia Side Effects and Risks
For more information about Avandia updates, see Avandia Information and Warnings
If you would like to learn more about Avandia lawsuits, see Avandia Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers
Suffered harm from Avandia? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

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Avandia Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers – What You Should Know

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Avandia Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers – What You Should Know

Avandia, GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) widely prescribed oral diabetes drug, has been identified as a possible cause of heart attacks and other heart problems in patients with diabetes, stirring up a storm of controversy about the FDA ‘s (Food and Drug Administration) practices in approving drugs and monitoring drug safety.
A new study containing a meta-analysis of previous studies of Avandia was published in the online version of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on May 21, 2007. The analysis showed that Avandia created a significant risk of increased heart attacks and other heart problems in patients with diabetes.
The study produced predicted results, and lawsuits for serious personal injury and wrongful death cause by taking Avandia began to be filed in 2007. For example, the family of a nurse who required 3 bypass operations and finally died of a stroke, filed suit against GSK. The family claimed that GSK had information about the dangers of Avandia that it withheld.
Suffered harm from Avandia? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.
One of the primary issues in Avandia litigation will be whether the manufacturer, GSK, responsibly reported all the dangers of Avandia to the FDA and to the public. A few U.S. legislators have already raised concerns about GSK’s honesty in this area. GSK has a bad record on safety reporting; it settled a lawsuit filed by then New York Attorney General, and now New York Governor, Eliot Spitzer, in which Spitzer charged GSK with fraudulently withholding results about the safety of prescribing the antidepressant Paxil to children. Part of that settlement was the agreement that GSK would set up the website that the NEJM authors used to obtain much of their data.
GSK claims that the results of its long-term clinical trials contradict the findings of the meta-analysis published in the NEJM.
If you or a loved one has been injured by taking Avandi, you need to have your case reviewed by a lawyer experienced in drug litigation as soon as you can. See Avandia Attorney and Lawyer – How to Hire to find an Avandia expert who will be able help you. Check out the following articles for more information about Avandia, filing an Avandia lawsuit and finding an Avandia attorney.
For more information about Avandia, see Drug Overview: Avandia Side Effects and Claims
For more information about Avandia side effects, see Avandia Side Effects – Heart Attack and Fractures
To find out more about the FDA warning, see Avandia Side Effects and Risks
For more information about Avandia updates, see Avandia Information and Warnings
To learn more about Avandia attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a Avandia Attorney and Lawyer
Suffered harm from Avandia? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

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Avandia Information and Warning

Avandia Warning Drug Toxic Chemicals

Free Case Evaluation From An Experienced Drug Liability Attorney.

Avandia Information and Warning

A recent study raises concern about Avandia, GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) best-selling and widely prescribed oral diabetes drug. Avandia, generic resiglitazone maleate, is a PPAR agonist, a kind of drug that functions by activating and suppressing genes. Several other kinds of PPAR agonists have been denied approval by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) because of serious side effects.
The new study is a meta-analysis of 42 predominantly short-term studies that appeared as a headline article in the May 21, 2007 online Journal of New England Medicine (JNEM). The article got extra attention because one of the authors, Dr. Steven Nissen, chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic, raised concerns several years before that Mereck’s painkiller Vioxx caused heart problems. Vioxx was later removed from the market and was the target of several lawsuits. Now Dr. Nissen is giving an Avandia warning that the drug is potentially deadly to type 2 diabetes patients.
Dr. Nissen and his fellow author, Kathy Wolski, M.P.H., did a meta-analysis of the results of 42 studies reported on the GlaxoSmithKline and FDA websites. Their analysis showed that Avandia significantly raised the risk of heart attack or other heart problems by 43%. Dr. Nissen admits that there are weaknesses in his study because he relied on public information and didn’t have access to the source data for patients in the various studies. As a result, he was unable to do some analysis. Nevertheless, Dr. Nissen thinks his results are cause for alarm.
Suffered harm from Avandia? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people with diabetes, with 65% of deaths caused by cardiovascular problems. In that population a drug that increases the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems could have devastating effects. For that reason Dr. Nissen is advocating more studies of Avandia’s side effects and stricter FDA requirements for approving such drugs. See Avandia Side Effects and Risks for more information about criticism of FDA monitoring of Avandia safety.
GlaxoSmithKline is denying that Avandia creates a significantly increased risk of heart attack or other cardiovascular problems. Glaxo claims that its long-term trials do not show a significant increase in risk.
On the other hand, Bruce M. Psaty of the University of Washington’s cardiovascular health research unit and Curt D. Furberg of the Wake Forest University division of public health wrote an editorial that accompanied the May 21, 2007 NEJM article, in which they questioned the wisdom of prescribing Avandia until the questions about its side effects have been resolved.
Another 2007 study revealed a less serious, but still significant Avandia side effect. The study found that women taking Avandia, and some other drugs manufactured by GSK, have an increased risk of bone fractures, particularly in the upper arm, hand, and foot. While this is not life threatening, the heath consequences on millions of women who take Avandia could be significant. Men don’t appear to suffer this side effect.
Check out the following articles for more information about Avandia, filing an Avandia lawsuit and finding an Avandia attorney.
For more information about Avandia , see Drug Overview: Avandia Side Effects and Claims
For more information about Avandia side effects, see Avandia Side Effects – Heart Attack and Fractures
To find out more about the FDA warning, see Avandia Side Effects and Risks
If you would like to learn more about Avandia lawsuits, see Avandia Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers
To learn more about Avandia attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a Avandia Attorney and Lawyer
Suffered harm from Avandia? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

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What about ‘living together’ contracts for couples who do not plan to marry?

Living Together Pre Marital Agreement

What about ‘living together’ contracts for couples who do not plan to marry?

The same concerns and considerations by couples who do plan to marry and who draw up a premarital contract apply to couples who never plan to marry.

As with prenuptial agreements, safeguarding income and assets – and negotiating an agreement — in the event of termination of the relationship or death is far easier to accomplish when neither party is angry, under stress and/or hostile. The agreement should cover all the property (and debt) you had at the beginning of the relationship as well as any property you accumulate. Normally, you would add provisions for support (or lack of support), on keeping each person’s property and income separate, sharing expenses, living arrangements, personal belongings, and so forth. Some include provisions for arbitration or mediation to deal with future disputes.

To accommodate both parties’ interests and assuage any worry about the legality of the contract, we suggest having the document drawn by lawyers representing each partner, or checked by separate lawyers if you have created your own contract.

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ATV Accidents: An Everyday Occurrence

Atv Accidents Everyday Occurrence Defective Products

ATV Accidents: An Everyday Occurrence

All terrain vehicles (ATVs) are responsible for thousands of death every year – many of them children. So, why are ATVs so dangerous and what do you do when you have been involved in an accident?
ATVs Causing Serious Injuries
ATV accidents seem to be an everyday occurrence. Tune into any local news show and chances are you’ll hear about several ATV accidents that caused serious injury or death. For example, in the news this week:
A nine year old North Dakota boy was killed while riding his ATV.
A 13 year old California boy was killed when his ATV rolled over.
Two Kentucky men fell off their ATV when it rolled over. While the passenger fell off and wasn’t hurt, the driver wasn’t so lucky. He, and the ATV, rolled down a 200 foot hill and he had to be hospitalized.
Last week, two Ohio teens had to be air lifted to a local hospital after a serious ATV accident and another Ohio man was hospitalized in a different accident.
Why are they so dangerous?
Some ATVs, such as the Yamaha Rhino, have been responsible for a greater number of injuries and deaths than others. The Rhino, in particular, has been linked to a variety of injuries due to its high center of gravity and a very narrow wheel base and has a propensity to rollover – often crushing the driver or passengers’ limbs due to a lack of safety features such as doors or handles to keep occupants inside of the vehicle. While newer models now include doors, many older models without doors are still on the road causing injuries.
Are manufacturers adequately testing ATVs?
Many consumer advocate groups say no – which is why so many accidents are reported each year. ATV manufacturers are required to test their products to ensure that they are safe for consumer use before they are released into the marketplace to make sure that any foreseeable hazards are addressed beforehand. Unfortunately, very few regulations exist to compel ATV manufacturers to conduct adequate testing – something that many consumers simply assume has been done until a loved one is injured, or worse yet, killed in an ATV accident.
What to do after being in an ATV accident
After seeking the proper medical treatment, it’s important to contact a lawyer whose practice focuses in this area of the law to see what options are available to you in the way of compensation. Contacting a lawyer about your situation is free, without obligation and strictly confidential. In addition, most lawyers in these types of cases work on a contingency fee basis, which generally means that they don’t get paid unless you recover damages. The same is true for any upfront costs such as medical records, hiring experts and investigating the accident – most lawyers advance those costs for you.
If you’d like to speak with an experienced lawyer, please click here.

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Pain Pumps Lawsuits: Understanding The Statute Of Limitations

Pain Pump Lawsuit Statute Of Limitations Defective Products

Pain Pumps Lawsuits: Understanding The Statute Of Limitations

Anyone whose had shoulder surgery where doctors prescribed pain pumps during their recovery have a greater chance of developing a very painful condition known as Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral Chondrolysis, or PAGCL. If your surgery was performed many years ago, has the statute of limitations already run for you to file a lawsuit?
Statutes of limitation: What you need to know
Every state has its own statutes of limitation, which is the maximum period of time allowed for filing a lawsuit, and that amount of time may differ depending on whether you’re filing a product liability lawsuit, a personal injury lawsuit or are seeking to recover for the wrongful death of a loved one. Some states also have what’s called a discovery rule, which means that the statute of limitation doesn’t start tolling, or acruing, until after someone discovers that they have been injured.
Understanding what statutes of limation apply to your case can be more complicated than most people think as lawsuits can potentially be filed in the state where you live, in the state where the manufacturer operates or perhaps even the state where the procedure was done. Every case is different and an experienced product liability attorney will be able to analyze your situation and discuss what options may be available to you.
Finding out what options are available to you
Anyone whose been adversely affected by a pain pump should find out what options are available to them. Most products liability lawyers offer free consultations, so you can discuss your situation and decide what, if anything, to do – without obligation. The lawyer you speak with will be able to explain the process and provide you with information on how manufacturers neglected to warn consumers about the known dangers of pain pumps.
To speak with an attorney involved in the pain pump litigation, click here.

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Pain Pumps & PAGCL: How An Attorney Can Help

Pain Pump Pagcl Attorneys Defective Products

Pain Pumps & PAGCL: How An Attorney Can Help

Shoulder surgery patients who used a pain pump during their recovery phase may be at an increased risk of developing Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral Chondrolysis (PAGCL), or shoulder arthroscopy, a very painful condition that may cause a permanent loss of mobility. So, how can a lawyer help?
Tapping into a product liability lawyer’s knowledge
If you’ve been injured due to a pain pump manufactured by Stryker, DJO Inc., I-Flow or BREG Inc., it’s important to find out as much as you can – as fast as you can. Experienced product liability lawyers who have been following the hundreds of pain pump lawsuits already filed across the county have the information you’re looking for. Tapping into that knowledge – even if you don’t end up pursuing a lawsuit – can be of great comfort. They’ll be able to assess whether you may have a lawsuit, discuss what damages might be available to you and, most importantly, explain why these manufacturers may be liable your injuries.
Why pain pump manufacturers may be liable for your injuries
Legal experts who have analyzed the pain pump litigation say that doctors who prescribe pain pumps may not realize the potential damage that these devices can cause. In fact, they say that doctors may actually know very little about the issue at all because manufacturers omitted warning labels about the dangers of inserting the pain pumps directly into the joint space of a patient’s shoulder – something that was never approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), yet something that manufacturers know occurs every day.
What many patients don’t realize is that McKinley Medical (purchased by Stryker in 2000), asked the FDA whether it could promote the product by having doctors inject pain medication directly into the joint space of a patient’s shoulder. While the FDA requested that McKinley conduct studies about the effects of the process, the company doesn’t seem to have followed through.
To speak with an attorney involved in the pain pump litigation, click here.

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Why Didn’t Pain Pump Manufacturers Warn Consumers About PAGCL?

Pain Pump Manufactors Did Not Warn About Pagcl Defective Products

Why Didn’t Pain Pump Manufacturers Warn Consumers About PAGCL?

That’s the question many shoulder surgery patients would like to know – especially 35 year old Douglas Kilpatrick, whose shoulder pump lawsuit against BREG Inc. begins in a few months in Key West, Florida. Kilpatrick, and hundreds of others who have filed lawsuits, allege that manufacturers such as BREG have known about the relationship between pain pumps and a painful condition known as PAGCL, but have done little to warn consumers – leaving them with a condition that has no cure.
No cure for PAGCL
Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral Chondrolysis, or PAGCL, is debilitating condition which may become permanent and cause loss of mobility. It typically occurs within three to 12 months after shoulder surgery. Symptoms may include shoulder pain whether in motion or at rest; clicking, popping or grinding of the shoulder; shoulder stiffness or weakness and decreased range of motion. The worst part of PAGCL is that there is no known cure – so patients who contract it may have to live with it for the rest of their lives.
Pain pumps never approved for treatment
Although hundreds of people have been injured by pain pumps, most don’t realize that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) never approved pain pumps to be pointed directly into a patient’s shoulder cavity – which is what causes PAGCL. Product liability lawyers familiar with the pain pump litigation say that a company called McKinley Medical requested FDA permission to promote the pump devices to be pointed directly into a patient’s intra-articular space, or the synovial cavity. Even though the FDA rejected its request, pain pump manufacturers such as Stryker, DJO Inc., I-Flow and BREG Inc., knew pain pumps were being used in this way (and some allege that they advocated that usage), but did nothing to warn consumers about the risks of contracting PAGCL.
First trial begins in July 2009
Although one pain pump manufacturer recently settled a pain pump case for an undisclosed amount, Douglas Kilpatrick’s case is the first trial of a pain pump lawsuit involving the development of shoulder chondrolysis after arthroscopic surgery. The 35-year-old Key West charter fishing company owner had to undergo a total replacement of his right shoulder in November 2006 and doctors say that he will likely require several more shoulder replacements in his lifetime. The trial begins in July 2009.
To speak with an attorney involved in the pain pump litigation, click here.

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A Closer Look At PAGCL: What Is It & Who’s Responsible?

Pagcl What Is It Who Is Responsible Defective Products

A Closer Look At PAGCL: What Is It & Who’s Responsible?

What is it?
Postarthroscopic glenohumeral chondrolysis, or PAGCL, is a debilitating condition that occurs in the shoulder when cartilage between the ball and socket of your shoulder has broken down to such a degree that bone actually meets bone. While there are many possible causes of PAGCL, the one it is most commonly linked to is the use of a pain pump after someone has had shoulder surgery.
There are generally two ways to manage pain after shoulder surgery – oral pain killers or pain pumps. Both will do the job, but oral pain killers require administration by someone else. Pain pumps, on the other hand, are small devices which can be surgically implanted in the shoulder joint so that the painkiller medication can be delivered immediately – and don’t require someone else to act. While the latter would seem to be a better choice, medical experts have concluded that pain pumps may cause permanent damage to the shoulder by eating away at the patient’s cartilage.
Recent studies from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the American Journal of Sports Medicine seem to corroborate that theory. In the first study, shoulder surgery patients who developed PAGCL had all used a pain pump after their surgery. In the second study, Dr. Charles Beck, an orthopedic surgeon and senior author of the study, stated that there is a, “.strong association between the intra-articular (inside the joint space) use of high volume pain pumps following arthroscopic shoulder surgery and an otherwise unexplainable loss of hyaline cartilage in the shoulder joint.” Beck went further and said that approximately 63 percent of patients that use pain pumps after surgery develop PAGCL.
Who’s responsible?
Companies that manufacturer pain pumps are alleged to have known about the risk of developing PAGCL years ago, but kept that information to themselves because this “new” way of administering pain medication became extremely popular. Manufacturers such as Stryker, DJO Inc., I-Flow or BREG Inc., all sold these devices, but only I-Flow warned about the risks of PAGCL.
Product liability lawyers say that while the FDA approved pain pumps for certain treatments, it never approved them for use directly into a patient’s synovial cavity – which is exactly what is happening. Manufacturers know this and most still haven’t warned about the risks of PAGCL. Hundreds of lawsuits have now been filed against these manufacturers and legal experts predict that many more will be filed in the future.
To speak with an attorney involved in the pain pump litigation, click here.

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