Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Attorney and Lawyer – How to Hire

Stevens Johnson Syndrome Laywer Drug Toxic Chemicals

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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Attorney and Lawyer – How to Hire

If you have suffered injury or someone close to you has died or been injured as the result of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), you may be able to recover damages. To find out if you have a claim, you should have your case evaluated by a qualified Stevens-Johnson Syndrome attorney. An experienced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome lawyer can tell you if you have a good case and how to go about filing a Stevens-Johnson Syndrome lawsuit, including which parties to name as defendants and where to file. You need to have your case evaluated as quickly as possible because every state has a law that sets a time limit for filing a Stevens-Johnson Syndrome lawsuit. (Stevens-Johnson Syndrome statute of limitations) If you don’t file your lawsuit on time, you may lose your right to recover in the case, no matter how seriously you were injured.
Pharmaceutical lawsuits are far too complex for a layperson to handle alone, often involving large pharmaceutical corporations with extensive resources and very experienced defense lawyers. We recommend you seek the help of an attorney well-versed in this type of litigation. Whether you have to go through a trial or can settle out of court, you will almost always get the best results with a pharmaceutical litigation specialist.
You can start your search for a Stevens-Johnson Syndrome attorney by talking to people you know, such as family, friends, and business contacts. If the people you know can’t recommend a pharmaceutical lawyer, a good place to look is, where you’ll find listings for drug liability specialists in your area, or post your case to the free Case Evaluation Form. After posting your case, an experienced law firm that handles Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and similar cases will contact you for a free case evaluation, without any cost or obligation.
Suffered harm from Stevens-Johnson Syndrome? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.
Check out the following articles for more information about Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, filing a Stevens-Johnson Syndrome lawsuit and finding a Stevens-Johnson Syndrome attorney.
For more information about Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, see Drug Overview: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Side Effects and Claims
For more information about Stevens-Johnson Syndrome side effects, see Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Side Effects – Allergic Drug Reaction
To find out more about the FDA warning, see Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Side Effects and Risks
For more information about Stevens-Johnson Syndrome updates, see Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Information and Warnings
If you would like to learn more about Stevens-Johnson Syndrome lawsuits, see Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers
Suffered harm from Stevens-Johnson Syndrome? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

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ReNu with MoistureLoc Information and Warnings

Renu Recall Information Drug Toxic Chemicals

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ReNu with MoistureLoc Information and Warnings

ReNu with MoistureLoc, Bausch & Lomb’s new soft contact lens solution, was voluntarily removed from the market by the manufacturer after the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) released statistics showing an alarming number of reports of a usually rare fungal eye infection called Fusarium keratitis. If this infection is not diagnosed and treated right away, it can cause serious eye damage or blindness. Suffers may need a cornea transplant.

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

The CDC information about Fusarium keratitis cases was released in April 2006, but this was not the first time Bausch & Lomb had been alerted to possible problems with ReNu with MoistureLoc. In 2005 and early 2006 there had been reports in Asia of Fusarium keratitis cases possibly linked to ReNu. Bausch & Lomb stopped selling ReNu in Singapore and Hong Kong in February 2006, but continued to market the product in the US until the CDC statistics became public 2 months later.

Bausch & Lomb stopped shipping ReNu with MoistureLoc on April 10, 2006, but did not voluntarily withdraw it from the market until some major retailers, including Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Sears, Kmart, Rite Aid, and CVS Corporation, began to pull the product off the shelves. Bausch & Lomb announced its intentions to withdraw the product in a press release on April 13, 2006. It began running media ads on April 14th with a ReNu with MoistureLoc warning, advising consumers to use other contact lens solutions until the situation is resolved and offering refunds if the product is returned.

Check out the following articles for more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, filing an ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuit and finding an ReNu with MoistureLoc attorney.

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, see Drug Overview: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Claims

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc side effects, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects – Fusarium Keratitis, Corena Damag & Blindness

To find out more about the FDA warning, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Risks

If you would like to learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuits, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers

To learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

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Drug Warning: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Risks

Renu Warning Drug Toxic Chemicals

Free Case Evaluation From An Experienced Drug Liability Attorney.

Drug Warning: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Risks

Bausch & Lomb voluntarily withdrew its soft contact lens solution, ReNu with MoistureLoc, from the market in April 2006, after the CDC (Center for Disease Control) reported an unusual number of cases of a normally rare fungal eye infection called Fusarium keratitis. This infection can cause serious damage to the eye and blindness.

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

The CDC had reports of 109 cases of Fusarium keratitis in 17 states over the previous 10 months. When they conducted interviews in 30 cases they found that 28 of the subjects were soft contact lens users and 26 of them used ReNu with MoistureLoc. This raised concerns that ReNu was causing the infections and that soft contact lens users had a high Fusarium keratitis risk.

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) issued a statement on April 13, 2006, announcing Bausch & Lomb’s voluntary withdrawal of the product and the company’s Fusarium keratitis warning to the public. The FDA suggested that clinicians with patients who have microbial keratitis consider the possibility that the infections may be fungal and refer the patients to ophthalmologists to have the condition tested if appropriate.

The FDA issued another statement the next day announcing that the FDA had begun inspection of Bausch & Lomb manufacturing facilities on March 22, 2006 and would continue inspections. The FDA is looking for evidence of contamination that would show Fusarium keratitis is a ReNu with MoistureLoc side effect.

The FDA and CDC gave the following guidelines for soft contact lens users to avoid contracting Fusarium keratitis:

Wash hands with soap and water, and dry (lint-free method) before handling lenses.

Wear and replace lenses according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor.

Follow the specific lens cleaning and storage guidelines from the doctor and the solution manufacturer.

Keep the contact lens case clean and replace every 3-6 months.

Remove the lenses and consult your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms such as redness, pain, tearing, increased light sensitivity, blurry vision, discharge, or swelling.

Check out the following articles for more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, filing an ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuit and finding an ReNu with MoistureLoc attorney.

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, see Drug Overview: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Claims

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc side effects, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects – Fusarium Keratitis, Corena Damag & Blindness

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc updates, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Information and Warnings

If you would like to learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuits, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers

To learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

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ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects – Fusarium Keratitis, Cornea Damage & Blindness

Renu Side Effects Drug Toxic Chemicals

Free Case Evaluation From An Experienced Drug Liability Attorney.

ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects – Fusarium Keratitis, Cornea Damage & Blindness

ReNu with MoistureLoc has been linked to several cases of a fungal infection called Fusarium keratitis. Fusarium keratitis is a very serious infection where fungus grows in the cornea. The infection can reach all the way through the cornea, causing scarring. This is generally a rare infection and is usually caused by trauma, often with plant material. (The fungus that causes the infection is often found in plants and soil in tropical and subtropical regions.) Other risk factors are chronic ocular surface diseases and immunodeficiency.
Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.
The infection is rarely linked to contact lens use, except when users sleep with contact lenses in the eye. This is why the link with ReNu with MoistureLoc is so remarkable.
Symptoms of Fusarium keratitis include:
Blurred vision
Redness or pain in the eye
Eye discomfort
Eye discharge
Increased sensitivity to light
Decrease in vision
Fusarium keratitis should be treated right away with antifungal drugs, though the treatment may take several months. If the condition is not treated or if the drugs don’t work, surgery is sometimes needed to remove fungal lesions and to perform cornea transplants.
If you or a loved one has contracted Fusarium keratitis after using ReNu with MoistureLoc or any other contact lens solution, you may be able to recover damages for your injury. You should have your case evaluated as soon as possible by an attorney who is familiar with this kind of litigation. See Hiring a ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer to find out how to locate a lawyer who can help you.
Check out the following articles for more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, filing an ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuit and finding an ReNu with MoistureLoc attorney.
For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, see Drug Overview: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Claims
To find out more about the FDA warning, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Risks
For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc updates, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Information and Warnings
If you would like to learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuits, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers
To learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer
Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

Read more for related video clips.

Continue reading “ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects – Fusarium Keratitis, Cornea Damage & Blindness”

Drug Overview: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Claims

Renu Moistureloc Drug Toxic Chemicals

Free Case Evaluation From An Experienced Drug Liability Attorney.

Drug Overview: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Claims

Bausch & Lomb voluntarily withdrew its soft contact lens solution, ReNu with MoistureLoc, from the market on April 13, 2006. ReNu with MoistureLoc was a solution used for storing, cleaning, and moisturizing soft contact lenses. ReNu was approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in 2004 and reportedly brought Bausch & Lomb $45 million in revenue in 2005. The ReNu claim was that it cleaned and disinfected contact lenses without the need to rub them. This cleaning method may have contributed to the increase in fungal infections that is now identified as a ReNu with MoistureLoc side effect.

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

Bausch & Lomb took action after the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) reported an alarming number of cases of a usually rare fungal infection of the eye called Fusarium keratitis, which can cause serious eye damage and blindness. The FDA began an investigation to see if Fusarium keratitis is a ReNu with MoistureLoc side effect. See Drug Warnings: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Risks for information on FDA action.

Check out the following articles for more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, filing an ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuit and finding an ReNu with MoistureLoc attorney.

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc side effects, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects – Fusarium Keratitis, Corena Damag & Blindness

To find out more about the FDA warning, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Risks

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc updates, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Information and Warnings

If you would like to learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuits, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers

To learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

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ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer – How to Hire

Renu Lawyer Drug Toxic Chemicals

Free Case Evaluation From An Experienced Drug Liability Attorney.

ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer – How to Hire

If you or a family member has developed Fusarium keratitis after using ReNu with MoistureLoc you may be able to recover damages for your injury. To begin this process, you should have your case evaluated by an experienced ReNu with MoistureLoc attorney who has the expertise to tell you if you can file a ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuit. This review should be done as soon as possible because every state limits the amount of time you have to file ReNu with MoistureLoc litigation. (ReNu with MoistureLoc statute of limitations.) If you don’t file your case within the time set by your state, you will never be able to recover for your injury, no matter how seriously you were hurt.

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

If you have a provable case, your ReNu with MoistureLoc attorney can help you file your suit and decide important things, like who to sue and where to file. Your ReNu with MoistureLoc litigation specialist will be able to handle all the complications involved in this kind of litigation. This is definitely not the kind of case you should consider handling yourself or turning over to an attorney who has not done pharmaceutical litigation.

Large companies like Bausch & Lomb are represented by high-powered attorneys and have large litigation budgets. It takes a very experienced attorney to take them on successfully and get you the recovery you deserve. Whether you go to court or settle the case, you will almost always get the best results with an attorney who is an expert litigator in this area of law.

How do you find this kind of expert? You can ask your family, friends, work associates, or professional contacts for possible referrals. If you’re unable to find a good referral that way, there are some valuable resources online. A good place to start is, where you’ll find listings for drug liability specialists in your area, or post your case to the free Case Evaluation Form. After posting your case, an experienced law firm that handles ReNu with MoistureLoc and similar cases will contact you for a free case evaluation, without any cost or obligation.

Check out the following articles for more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, filing an ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuit and finding an ReNu with MoistureLoc attorney.

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, see Drug Overview: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Claims

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc side effects, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects – Fusarium Keratitis, Corena Damag & Blindness

To find out more about the FDA warning, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Risks

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc updates, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Information and Warnings

If you would like to learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuits, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

Read more for related video clips.

Continue reading “ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer – How to Hire”

ReNu with MoistureLoc Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers – What You Should Know

Renu Lawsuit Drug Toxic Chemicals

Free Case Evaluation From An Experienced Drug Liability Attorney.

ReNu with MoistureLoc Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers – What You Should Know

Bausch & Lomb has recently removed its contact lens solution, ReNu with MoistureLoc, from the market in the U.S., but only after the CDC (Center for Disease Control) released information that several cases of a rare eye infection, Fusarium keratitis, in the U.S. might be linked to ReNu use.

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

A ReNu with MoistureLoc class action was filed against Bausch & Lomb within days of the company’s voluntary withdrawal of the product from the market. The suit alleged that Bausch & Lomb knew about the possible connection between ReNu and the fungal infection, because cases had occurred in Asia in 2005. Those cases came to the attention of the authorities in Singapore at the beginning of 2006. Bausch & Lomb stopped selling the product in Singapore and Hong Kong in February 2006, but continued sales in the U.S. Hundreds of ReNu lawsuits were filed after the recall.

The ReNu with MoistureLoc litigation argues that Bausch & Lomb had a duty to inform the public of the danger of Fusarium keratitis when the danger was discovered in 2005 or early 2006. Instead, the company waited several more months until the CDC released information in the U.S. Bausch & Lomb continued to ship ReNu with MoistureLoc to Europe after it removed the product from the U.S. market, in spite of the dangers revealed in Asia and in the U.S.

If you or a loved one has contracted Fusarium keratitis after using ReNu with MoistureLoc or any other contact lens solution, you may be able to recover damages for your injury. You should have your case evaluated as soon as possible by an attorney who is familiar with this kind of litigation. See Hiring a ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer to find out how to locate a lawyer who can help you.

Check out the following articles for more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, filing an ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuit and finding an ReNu with MoistureLoc attorney.

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc, see Drug Overview: ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Claims

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc side effects, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects – Fusarium Keratitis, Corena Damag & Blindness

To find out more about the FDA warning, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Side Effects and Risks

For more information about ReNu with MoistureLoc updates, see ReNu with MoistureLoc Information and Warnings

To learn more about ReNu with MoistureLoc attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a ReNu with MoistureLoc Attorney and Lawyer

Suffered harm from ReNu with MoistureLoc? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

Read more for related video clips.

Continue reading “ReNu with MoistureLoc Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers – What You Should Know”

I treasure my privacy. Any suggestions on how to do this?

Internet Privacy Computer Law Intellectual Property

I treasure my privacy. Any suggestions on how to do this?

There are several ways that you can help improve the general level of your computer privacy, such as:

(1) create a password that only you know and don’t share it, if you don’t have to! And don’t create it using your name or readily-available personal information (like your birthday, address, or marriage date); those are too-easily guessed.

(2) frequently change your password; and don’t write it down and leave it right next to your computer.

(3) never leave your computer either on or logged on while you are away from it.

(4) obtain the privacy policies issued both by your employer and your on-line system operator, and follow them.

(5) assume that all your e-mail is public (unless you are using special encryption programs).

(6) don’t hand out your phone number, address, or credit card information in cyberspace (unless you know who you are giving it to and that you are on a secure line – the same way you wouldn’t give personal information over a telephone line unless you know who you are speaking with), unless you already consider those to be public information!

(7) cookies let folks know where you’ve been (unless you don’t authorize release – have your browser alert you whenever a cookie is activated by a web site – if you don’t want your information disclosed to the operator of that web site, just say no and go elsewhere) and

(8) if you want extra levels of privacy – use encryption, anonymous remailers, and memory protection software.

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Prempro Information and Warnings

Prempro Information Drug Toxic Chemicals

Free Case Evaluation From An Experienced Drug Liability Attorney.

Prempro Information and Warnings

Prempro, also known as conjugated estrogen (generic medroxyprogesterone acetate or MPA) is the top selling hormone replacement therapy (HRT) drug. Though the risk of deadly side effects from Prempro have been known for many years and the FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) has required its most serious black box warning on Prempro, physicians have continued to prescribe the drug to millions of women.
View All Prempro Articles

Suffered harm from Prempro? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

Prempro was in the news at the end of 2005 with the release of several new studies linking it to deadly side effects. In November a study done by Sweden’s Karolinska Institute was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. That study found that women who drank alcohol and took HRT medications like Prempro had an increased risk of breast cancer. Also in November, a study published in the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynocology reported that Prempro increased the risk of urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women.

The March 1, 2006 International Journal of Cancer reported a study that found postmenopausal women who took HRT medication had an increased risk of breast cancer across racial lines. In July of 2005 the United Nations reclassified Prempro from “possible carcinogenic” to “carcinogenic”.

Most of these studies did not have particularly new information. A 2002 study by the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Women’s Health Initiative study, found such a significant increase in the risk of strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, and breast cancer in the study participants using Prempro that they cancelled the study 3 years before it was scheduled to end to protect the lives and health of the study participants.

The NIH study found that Prempro did produce some benefit in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer and hip fractures, but the increased risk for so many other life-threatening problems meant that the adverse side effects of Prempro outweighed any risks. That study recommended that women using Prempro stop using it and talk to their health care practitioners about alternatives.

If you are taking Prempro, you should consult your health care provider about the danger of side effects. If you have already been damaged because you used Prempro, you may have the basis for a Prempro lawsuit. You should get your case evaluated as soon as possible by a competent Prompro attorney. See Prempro Attorney and Lawyer – How to Hire for information on finding someone to evaluate your case.

Check out the following articles for more information about Prempro, filing a Prempro lawsuit and finding a Prempro attorney:

For more information about Prempro, see Drug Overview: Prempro Side Effects and Claims

For more information about Prempro side effects, see Prempro Side Effects, Breast Cancer, Heart Attacks & Strokes

To find out more about the FDA warning, see Prempro Side Effects and Risks

If you would like to learn more about Prempro lawsuits, see Prempro Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers

To learn more about Prempro attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a Prempro Attorney and Lawyer

Suffered harm from Prempro? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

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Drug Warnings: Prempro Side Effects and Risks

Prempro Warning Drug Toxic Chemicals

Free Case Evaluation From An Experienced Drug Liability Attorney.

Drug Warnings: Prempro Side Effects and Risks

Prempro, Wyeth’s best-selling drug for hormone replacement therapy (HRT), has been marketed as a safer alternative to estrogen therapy for postmenopausal women. Prempro is prescribed to treat symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and a reduction in bone density leading to fractures, particularly fractures of the hip.
View All Prempro Articles

Suffered harm from Prempro? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

In January 2003 the FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) required a black box warning for Prempro. This action was based on the results of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study conducted by the National Institute of Health (NIH). See Prempro Information and Warnings for more information on Prempro studies. The black box warning is the FDA’s highest level of warning for a drug that is allowed to remain on the market.

The 2003 labeling change required Wyeth, the manufacturer of Prempro, to include information from the WHI study, which reported increased risks of myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, invasive breast cancer, pulmonary emboli, and deep vein thrombosis in postmenopausal women who took Prempro for 5 years. The new label also included the warning that Prempro should be prescribed at the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration that was consistent with treatment goals.

Check out the following articles for more information about Prempro, filing a Prempro lawsuit and finding a Prempro attorney:
For more information about Prempro, see Drug Overview: Prempro Side Effects and Claims
For more information about Prempro side effects, see Prempro Side Effects, Breast Cancer, Heart Attacks & Strokes
For more information about Prempro updates, see Prempro Information and Warnings
If you would like to learn more about Prempro lawsuits, see Prempro Lawsuits, Litigation & Lawyers
To learn more about Prempro attorneys and how to find one, see Hiring a Prempro Attorney and Lawyer

Suffered harm from Prempro? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

Read more for related video clips.

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