If I file a lawsuit, what kind of compensation will I receive for my traumatic brain injury?

Brain Injury Lawsuit Brain Injury

If I file a lawsuit, what kind of compensation will I receive for my traumatic brain injury?

The kind of damages that can be compensated differ from state to state. Generally speaking, in addition to the medical, hospital and rehabilitation expenses, the dollar amount rewarded is based on: the nature and extent of the injury; whether the injury is temporary or permanent; and any disfigurement or deformity. Non-physical damages may also be compensated if they accompany or result from the physical injury. Examples include pain and suffering incident to the physical injury, mental anguish suffered as a result of the physical injury (such as fright, fear, psychosis), and loss of enjoyment of life (no longer able to live a normal life). Loss of earnings damages compensate for wages already lost due to the personal injury. Impairment of earning capacity compensates for the money a person would have been able to earn in the future but for the injury. A lawyer will be able to tell you what damages are available to you in your state.

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