Neck Doctor Lawyer Injury Law
I think I injured my neck in a car accident. Should I wait to see a doctor until after I see a lawyer?
It is always important to seek treatment for any accident-related injury as soon as possible. Because of extensive experience with injured clients, an experienced personal injury lawyer might be able to help you find the right doctor or medical group to help with your neck injury, but you should not delay treatment while waiting for a “referral” from an attorney. While it is true that neck injuries need to be treated by doctors with the right kind of experience to ensure that all problems are detected, most medical providers should take your neck injury complaints very seriously and provide a starting point for treatment. Neck injuries are often very painful and should be addressed as soon as possible.
A written and detailed medical report by your treating doctor that provides specifics as to the degree of injury and depth and length of the injury as well as any associated pain is an invaluable statement as to the value of your damage claim.
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