Florida Duragesic Pain Patch Lawsuit – $13 Million Award

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Florida Duragesic Pain Patch Lawsuit – $13 Million Award

A Florida jury awarded a family $13 million after a 34-year old mother of five died from an overdose of painkillers that were delivered by a fentanyl transdermal system patch marketed as Duragesic and manufactured by Johnson & Johnson subsidiaries Janssen Pharmaceutica Products and Alza.
A dangerous drug
According to news reports, Susan Hodgemire, a 34-year old mother of five and an Army military policewoman, had back surgery and was given pain medications afterwards. Some of those medications were delivered through the Duragesic pain patch manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceutica Products and Alza – both subsidiaries of pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson. The patch contained fentanyl, which is an opioid pain medication. She subsequently died from a drug overdose.
Her family sued the drug manufacturers for not warning patients about the potential dangers of the patches and her physician’s assistant for giving improper medical advice. A Florida jury found that the drug manufacturers were 80% responsible for her death, that the physician’s assistant was 20% responsible and awarded her family $13 million in damages.
FDA took action in 2007
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had been investigating pain patches manufactured by several drug makers including Mylan Laboratories since 2005 after receiving reports of 120 deaths that were linked to the patches. At that time, Johnson & Johnson recalled some of its patches due to leaks. In 2007, the FDA issued a safety warning to doctors about the potential risks of using the patch.
Plaintiffs winning lawsuits
According to an article from Bloomberg Johnson & Johnson is 0 for 3 when it comes to winning products liability lawsuits brought by plaintiffs injured by its pain patches. So far, juries in Texas and Florida have awarded millions of dollars in damages in two other lawsuits. Johnson & Johnson’s pain patches are one of its best selling products and generated over a billion dollars in sales in 2007.
If you or a loved one has been injured due to a pain patch, contact an experienced Duragesic patch attorney to discuss your situation. Consultations are free, without obligation and are strictly confidential. To speak with a qualified lawyer, please click here. We may be able to help.

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