Alimony Childsupport Taxed Income Tax Law Tax Law
How are alimony and child support payments taxed?
Child support payments are neither deductible nor income to the recipient. Alimony payments can be structured by the parties to produce either of two tax results:
(1) deductible by the payer ex-spouse and gross income to the recipient ex-spouse, or
(2) not deductible by the payer and not income to the recipient.
In settling a divorce, the parties frequently plan on whichever tax result works out best. If the payments are not structured to comply with the rules, the general rule is that alimony payments are income to the recipient and deductible by the payer.
Frequently, divorcing couples agree upon a fixed aggregate payment from one spouse to the other. Even if the recipient spouse dies before the payments are due, this sum will be payable, and it will be treated as a property settlement. A property settlement is not deductible by the transferor and is not income to the transferee. Even if the payments are properly structured, the Internal Revenue Code prevents deduction of “front-loaded” payments.
The tax consequences of payments to be made because of the dissolution of a marriage are complicated, and divorcing couples would be well advised to take them into account in agreeing on the economic issues involved in divorce.
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