Plural of dictum.
See Topic: Go to Court or Mediate
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Know the laws your rights
disposable income
The difference between a debtor’s current monthly income and allowable expenses. This is the amount that the new bankruptcy law deems available to pay into a Chapter 13 plan.
See Topic: Bankruptcy
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dominant tenement
Property that carries a right to use a portion of a neighboring property. For example, property that benefits from a beach access trail across another property is the dominant tenement.
See Topic: Real Estate Consumer Rights
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A right to use another person’s real estate for a specific purpose. The most common type of easement is the right to travel over another person’s land, known as a right of way. In addition, property owners commonly grant easements for the p
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emergency protective order
Any court-issued order meant to protect a person from harm or harassment. An emergency protective order is issued by the police, when court is out of session, to prevent domestic violence. An emergency protective order is
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estoppel by silence
See estoppel.
See Topic: Go to Court or Mediate
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To intentionally destroy, obliterate or strike out records or information in files, computers and other depositories. For example, state law may allow the criminal records of a juvenile offender to be expunged when he reaches the age of majo
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fault divorce
A tradition that required one spouse to prove that the other spouse was legally at fault, to obtain a divorce. The “”innocent”” spouse was then granted the divorce from the “”guilty”” spouse. Today, 35 states still allow a spouse to allege
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fishing expedition
Legal grasping at straws; the use of pre-trial investigation (discovery) or witness questioning in an unfocused attempt to uncover damaging evidence you can use against your adversary.
See Topic: Go to Court or Mediate
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foster child
A child placed by a government agency or a court in the care of someone other than his or her natural parents. Foster children may be removed from their family home because of parental abuse or neglect. Occasionally, parents voluntarily
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