certification of trust
See abstract of trust.
See Topic: Wills & Estate Planning
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Know the laws your rights
certification of trust
See abstract of trust.
See Topic: Wills & Estate Planning
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Civil Rights Act of 1964
Federal legislation designed to end discrimination based on religion, color, race or national origin. This law guarantees the right of access to education, public facilities and public accommodations, such as restaurants and
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comfort care
Medical care intended to provide relief from pain and discomfort, such as pain control drugs.
See Topic: Wills & Estate Planning Social Security & Retirement
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contempt of court
Behavior in or out of court that violates a court order, or otherwise disrupts or shows disregard for the court. Refusing to answer a proper question, to file court papers on time or to follow local court rules can expose witnesses
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copyright owner
Under the Copyright Act of 1976, a term with two meanings. First, it refers to the person or entity listed as the owner in the U.S. Copyright Office, usually the original author or developer. Second, it refers to a person or entity t
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credit counseling
Counseling that explores the possibility of repaying debts outside of bankruptcy and educates the debtor about credit, budgeting, and financial management. Under the new bankruptcy law, a debtor must undergo credit counseling wit
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Any act of inflicting unnecessary emotional or physical pain. Cruelty or mental cruelty is the most frequently used fault ground for divorce because as a practical matter, courts will accept minor wrongs or disagreements as sufficient eviden
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A person or entity (such as a corporation) who owes money.
See Topic: Credit Repair & Debt
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A clause in a deed, lease, will or other legal document that completely or partially negates the document if a certain condition occurs or fails to occur. Defeasance also means the act of rendering something null and void. For example, a
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