I suffered a neck injury in a hit and run accident. What should I do if I can’t locate the person who hit me?

Neck Hit And Run Injury Law

I suffered a neck injury in a hit and run accident. What should I do if I can’t locate the person who hit me?

If a hit and run driver or an uninsured driver causes your neck injuries, your Uninsured Motorist Coverage should pay for damages related to your neck injury and any other injuries. Uninsured Motorist Coverage pays for medical treatment, rehabilitation, loss of wages and other damages in the event that you or a family member is involved in an accident caused by an uninsured motorist or a hit and run driver.

If Uninsured Motorist Coverage is not part of your insurance policy (it is always recommended, although not mandatory in every state), it might be more difficult to recover anything but your medical bills. Talk to an experienced personal injury attorney in your state to find out if you have a chance to recover what your claim is worth. You may have your case assessed for free by completing the Free Advice case evaluation form; there is no cost and no further obligation.

Read more for related video clips.

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