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Welding Rod Employee Lawsuit Drug Toxic Chemicals
Free Case Evaluation From An Experienced Drug Liability Attorney.
What other benefits might I be able to get from my employer?
Your employer may be liable for workers compensation benefits. If you have medical insurance coverage through your employer and have received treatment for a work related injury, you may not have received full payment for your medical bills due to deductibles and co-payments – workers compensation can cover the difference.
Some employers do not offer health insurance, or many workers are “part-time” and do not qualify for health insurance, but do qualify for workers compensation. In those cases, workers compensation would cover the medical bills.
There are also cases where there are no disability benefits, disability insurance or disability plan with an employer. In those situations, workers compensation benefits may be more comprehensive and should be explored. Finally, employers should, in the end, be cooperative with the worker in pursuing these claims, since the damages won against the welding rod manufacturer will offset benefits being paid for by the employer.
You are limited to workers’ compensation for claims made against your employer. However, if you wish to sue the companies responsible for manufacturing and distributing the welding rod supplies which injured you, it will not affect your workers compensation claims. These other defendants are liable for all possible damages, including loss of wages and benefits, loss of enjoyment of life, pain and suffering, and compensation for your medical expenses, among other things. An experienced attorney can advise you as to your chances of recovering monetary damages if you choose to pursue a case. In addition, it is possible that you may qualify for benefits such as social security disability if you have become disabled as a result of your manganese exposure.
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