What are the disabilities associated with traumatic brain injury?

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Brain Injury Disabilities Brain Injury

What are the disabilities associated with traumatic brain injury?

Basically, it depends on what type of injury the brain has suffered, the location of the injury (which may be localized or diffused), and the degree of impairment. Frequently, these injuries impair one or more of the following areas:
(1) cognition: attention/concentration, memory, perception, judgment, information processing, abstract concepts, time and space relationship, reading and writing skills, and mood;
(2) movement abilities: strength, endurance, coordination (e.g., tremors), swallowing, and balance;
(3) sensation: tactile sensation and special senses such as vision.
The physical manifestations often include the loss of speech, vision and hearing, lack of coordination, paralysis, headaches, fatigue, and seizures of all kinds (i.e., epilepsy). In addition to the obvious physical effects of a brain injury, an individual can experience problems with behavior (e.g., fatigue, anxiety, agitation, mood swings, low self-esteem), difficulty with social relationships (keeping and making friends, interaction) and with personality changes (e.g., apathy, irritability, depression).

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