Drug Overview: Trasylol Side Effects and Claims

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Trasylol Drug Toxic Chemicals

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Drug Overview: Trasylol Side Effects and Claims

Trasylol, manufactured by Bayer Pharmaceuticals, is an antifibrinolytic agent formerly used during coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. The main Trasylol claim was that it limited the loss of blood during surgery. The active ingredient in Trasylol is Aprotinin Bovine and the drug was administered via injection. It was approved by the FDA in December 1993 and was in use on the U.S. market for 14 years before it was withdrawn.

Suffered harm from Trasylol? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) directed Bayer to suspend marketing of Trasylol in the U.S. after the preliminary results of a Canadian study revealed that Trasylol had double the risk of death as equally effective (and much less expensive) drugs. On May 14, 2008, Bayer began removing the rest of the stock of Trasylol from the U.S. market. Trasylol is now available in the U.S. only for investigative purposes or for patients with no other options.
The FDA had known about the dangers of the drug in 2006 after a study found a high risk of kidney failure in patients given the injection. At that time the FDA required new warnings on the label, but refused to remove it from the market.
See Trasylol Information and Updates for important information about the safety of this drug.

Check out the following articles for more information about Trasylol, filing a Trasylol lawsuit and finding a Trasylol attorney.

Trasylol Side Effects

Trasylol: FDA Warning

Trasylol Study, Information and Updates

Trasylol Lawsuits and Litigation

Trasylol Attorneys: How to Find and Hire

Suffered harm from Trasylol? You may have a lawsuit. Click here, for a top rated law firm to evaluate your legal rights.

Read more for related video clips.

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